If you were looking for a reason to move to Canada, we've found one. Kenny Brain is the kind of furry fella that the meat team loves! He's a volunteer fireman and, perhaps not surprisingly, a model...
He loves his dog! This picture below has this caption:
"When the power has been out for 24 hours and you want your dogs body heat and she wants NOTHING to do with it. #cuddlemeeeeeee #goddamnit"
We'll cuddle you Kenny. No really, we will. Please God, just get over here.
We especially love this autumnal scene, with Kenny's gingery beard offsetting the trees below.
Reasons not date Kenny? It says right on his cap: 0
We're seriously loving this hairy hunk. And his gorgeous dog.
He's got some pretty awesome ink going on there too.
For a regular dose of Mr Brain, check out his Instagram: