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video: Behind-the-scenes of meat's 2018 NAKED Calendar (NSFW)

Updated: Mar 18, 2021

Take a sneaky peak at the 12 'guy-next-door' hotties taking part in the naked meat calendar 2018. Share our video for a chance to win a signed copy of the calendar!

With the launch of our meat naked calendar 2018 just around the corner, our Adrian has put together an exclusive behind-the-scenes video of the 12 handsome fellas taking part. Whatever your type, we're sure there's a guy here that'll make planning and organising your social life and appointments next year a dream...

From hairy daddies to ginger twinks, there's a meat pin up for everyone. Whatever your favourite month is, it might be about to change!

Who's going to be your favourite meat pin-up for next year?

Your chance to win

For your chance to win a signed copy of the meat 2018 naked calendar, just share our video on Facebook. Winner will be announced on September 8th at our calendar launch party the RVT, London.

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